Bianco BIA-LRS32-6CU 3 speed hot water circulating pump, was used for short period of time as a solar hot water circulating pump in early manufacture periods of solar hot water. It was generally installed outside with older style systems. Some had poor sensor port locations or non at all. Apricus used this pump for a small period of time along with a few other manufacturers. Over the years we have been called out to plumbing repairs and service requests to find the Bianco BIA-LRS32-6CU circulating pump that had been installed into other systems like Hills Solar, Chromagen, AAE or Edson. The most common thing people notice when these pumps fail is that the power circuit of the pump installed will trip the circuit breaker. Sometimes this can take a while to locate and realise that the circulating pump is the problem and not the actual controller. We always replace this pump with the Grundfos 15 20 Cil solar hot water circulating pump and where possible install a pump station cover.
Solar Hot Water Repairs QLD repair solar hot water systems on the Sunshine Coast . For all solar hot water inquiries please call 0455 265 539 or email Solar hot water plumbing.