Solar Hot water Repairs service Rheem Premier Hiline® 52H300 SS Solar Water Heater
- 300L tank capacity is suitable for 2-5 people
- Available with electric or gas boost — for days when the sun doesn’t shine
- 2 or 3 solar collectors — to “collect” energy from the sun
2 x SPA2000 collectors through the Rheem merchant network, or 2 or 3 x NPT200, L or CSA2007 collectors through the Rheem Solar Specialist network. - Complete frost protection
- Reduces energy use1,2
Rheem Stainless Steel water heaters are not recommended for installation in some areas. Refer to the Stainless Steel Suitability Map for your state to see if Stainless Steel is suitable for your home.Warranty: On a system with SPA2000 collectors
- 7 years cylinder supply*
- 5 years collector supply*
- 3 years cylinder labour*
- 1 year collector labour
- 1 year parts supply and labour
On a system with NPT200 collectors
- 7 years cylinder and collector supply*
- 3 years cyliner and collector labour*
- 1 year parts supply and labour*
On a system with L or CSA20007 collector
- 10 years cylinder and collector supply*
- 5 years cylinder and collector labour*
- 5 years parts supply and labour*